betty/seuss: (noun) a combination of the 1920's cultural icon, all-American baker Betty Crocker and the American writer-poet-cartoonist, known for his children's books and creative genius, Dr. Seuss!


one difficult fruit

my next photoshop challenge was to paint a piece an APPLE in Photoshop! sounds simple enough right? FALSE! anyone that has studied art knows that there is so much more to color than meets the eye. when painting colors one has to consider the light source and the color of the actual object. then you have to think about the shadow color and the reflective lights cast by the objects environment! on top of ALL that complication, you then have to try to get the right shape and value or the object. this is all especially difficult when oil painting because not only do you have to think about all these little details, but you have to think about MIXING the correct color and matching it perfectly! THAT is one of the wonderful things that i love about Photoshop! i don't have to mix paint anymore! i don't have to put on an apron and dry out my hands from washing and rubbing them clean everyday! FANTASTIC NEWS! it is difficult to still keep all the basic painting principles in mind when i feel like i'm just playing around on my computer! i was given the task to paint an apple so i tackled it to the best of my abilities and here is the "fruit" of my labor.... AHA get it?! :) i crack myself UP sometimes! WOW

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